Fantastic to see everyone at the Wilmslow hustings on Tuesday night. Please find a video of proceedings here along with my statement.

Click on this link for a full text of my statement in Wilmslow

Very good to see everyone who came to the Alderley Edge church for our hustings last night. We are turning the tide in Tatton, town by town! Please see a full version of my closing statement here.

Thank you to everyone who joined me at the Knutsford Hustings on Sunday 16th June. It was good to get talking with so many people on the subjects that really make a difference to people’s lives in Tatton. My full hustings statement is here for those who missed it.

Thank you to Cheshire Mix 56’s warm welcome on Wednesday morning - you can hear my full interview on their site here!

Delighted to see so many people turn out on 9th June for the opening of the Lindow Moss Heritage Trail - proud to be there! Read all about it here!

Thank you to all those who attended Tatton’s Climate Hustings over the weekend for their support. I am pleased to post a video of the proceedings here and my full statement here for those who could not make it and look forward to continuing the important conversation. Please see my Campaigns page for the hard work Liberal Democrats have been doing on your doorstep on the environment.

At last, we have a golden chance to oust Esther McVey, and all she represents, from Tatton, and the Tories from Government! The Lib Dems’ spectacular wins in Lymm at the local elections, the constant campaigning by our candidate, Jonathan Smith, since 2019, and Labour importing their candidate from Westminster where he already holds office, all point to the Lib Dem’s being the main challengers in Tatton. Join us to bring competency, compassion, integrity and service back into politics for Tatton and the country.

Jonathan says: “I want to represent Tatton in Westminster. Not the other way around.”

General Election Newsletter: Tatton Lib Dem Members and Supporters

Great News!!

At last:

·         We finally have the chance to oust Esther McVey and the Tories from Tatton, and from the Government

·         Our four-and-a-half years of campaigning across the Constituency – no other opposition Party has got anywhere close to doing this – will pay off

·         The prize seems a long shot, but, look again……………….

Lymm Local Elections:

·         Ian Marks, and his team, in Lymm achieved an outstanding set of results in the local elections for Warrington Borough Council seats, and for Lymm Parish Council

·         It was a clean-sweep for the Lib Dems: all Borough Councillors and all Parish Councillors in Lymm are ours!

·         For the Borough seats, the Lib Dem vote share was:

- 66% in Lymm North and Thelwall

- 55% in Lymm South

·         The overall average vote share was 62%

·         Now, the big task in Lymm is to translate those local election results into something similar in the GE: so, our Campaign Team will be working hard with Lymm Members, Supporters, and Councillors to deliver that break-through.

Esther McVey’s Agent:

·         When I asked Esther McVey’s Agent, at the Lymm local elections count, what he thought about the candidate chosen by Labour to fight the Tatton seat, he said: ‘I’m not worried about him; I’m more worried about you’!

Esther McVey, Minister for Common Sense:

·         There could hardly have been a more damning response to Esther’s latest pronouncements: from deciding that Civil Service lanyards were her top, Ministerial priority, when the country is in such a state, and when many people’s daily lives are such a struggle; to describing “equality” and “diversity” as “fashionable hobby horses”

·         She does not deserve another five years as MP for Tatton, or as a Cabinet Minister.

Labour Candidate:

·         Once again, as they did in 2019, Labour have decided to bring in a candidate from outside the area, this time from London

·         Yes, he lived in Bramhall and Cheadle when he was young; yes, he is a member of Westminster City Council Cabinet; yes, he has a track-record in green politics; and yes, he is clearly adept on social media

·         However, he, and Labour, have done none of the work and campaigning across Tatton over the past 4+ years, as we have done

·         He, and Labour, were not campaigning to protect Lindow Moss, speaking at the Strategic Planning Board to stop rewilded land at Longridge from being tarmacked-over, attending numerous health meetings to help restore birthing services at Macclesfield or get a new health and social care centre in Knutsford, or campaigning against night-flying over Knutsford and Mobberley, for a banking hub in Knutsford, for a replacement for the Winnington Swing Bridge, and for a decent train service on the Mid-Cheshire Line

·         Where were they all this time? Nowhere!!

National Local Election Results:

·         As you will know, despite some dismissive commentary, as we were awaiting the national results, and a disappointing lack of media coverage in the aftermath, the Lib Dems actually had a really good weekend of results

·         We now have more local councillors than the Conservatives; we gained control of two Councils; we remain part of administrations in some ‘no overall control’ Councils; and we held off Labour in a number of places

·         The key Lib Dem messages and successes in the last national poll before the General Election are really going to encourage every Lib Dem activist and supporter across the country.


·         One of our team has worked hard on a new web-site, and it was launched on Wednesday 22nd. the very day that the PM announced the General Election on 4th. July

·         Our web-site can be found at: “”

·         This is a great step forward for our campaign

Social Media:

·         Birgitta runs our Facebook page:

·         Daniel runs our Twitter feed: @JonathansmithLD


·         We have continued to deliver thousands of leaflets to households across Tatton

·         The responses have, apart from an occasional, polite refusal, been really encouraging

·         People realise that we are working hard, and that we care

Letters to the Knutsford Guardian:

·         I have completed my 150 letters since I started submitting them in 2020

·         56% have been published

·         The latest, plus some going back in time, can be found on the web-site.

And now……………….?

We have an ambitious leaflet plan for this next six weeks, so, as always, any delivering help you can give – even if it is modest – will prove extremely useful.

We have Neighbourhood Leads in most areas of the Constituency, who will be delighted to accept offers to deliver to certain streets, or to wider neighbourhoods (if you have the time). You only need to say how much you feel you can do, and we will never pressurise you to do more.


Thank you!



Jonathan Smith




“My mission is to bring competency, compassion, integrity and service

back into politics, for Tatton and the Country”

Your Lib Dem candidate for Tatton, Jonathan Smith, has signed the Zero Hour Climate and Nature pledge. Make your vote count this General Election and put YOUR weight behind a greener parliament and a brighter future!

April Cheshire East Residents Newsletter

Newsletter to Cheshire East “Tatton” Members

Dear Liberal Democrat Member,

You have probably been wondering what has happened to the Tatton Local Party, and to the Tatton General Election Campaign. I am sorry that we have been unable to communicate with you for so long. The story is complex and tedious. Suffice to say, none of it has stopped our work ‘on the ground’, campaigning across Tatton; but sorting a lot of internal matters – IT and others – has been time-consuming and frustrating.

In summary:

·         A decision was taken by the national Party some time ago, to make all our local parties coterminous with local authorities, not parliamentary constituencies

·         Although, as your local Executive, we opposed to timing (within a year of a General Election), the Regional Party determined that our Tatton Local Party be disbanded; you are, now Members of the new Cheshire East Party.

Also, as you may have realised, the Tatton Constituency has been changed a bit. We have ‘lost’ Rudheath and some areas around Northwich and ‘gained’ the Liberal Democrat stronghold of Lymm. This makes our assertion that we are becoming the main challengers to Esther McVey even more credible.

So, to the Campaign:

·         We have formed a new Campaign Team, which meets virtually (at the moment), every month; our next meeting is at 7 p.m. on Monday 11th. March. Any Member is very welcome to join the Team at any of our meetings

·         We have restarted our “Pint and Politics” gatherings in Wilmslow

·         Over the past 9 months, we have delivered a number of leaflets and Residents’ Letters: almost 5,000 of our first General Election leaflet, and Residents’ Letters in Barnton, South Knutsford, Longridge, Mobberley, and Wilmslow

·         Our Liberal Democrat Team in Lymm have delivered one of their quarterly FOCUS leaflets to most households in the town, with our Tatton Campaign having a high profile

·         We have been, and are, leading or supporting campaigns on a wide range of issues: the NHS, social care, mental health, train services, the environment/climate change, banking hubs, roads and pot-holes, and fast fibre broadband

·         A major success came just before Christmas, when the campaign to stop the development of 225 houses on rewilded land east of Longridge led to a comprehensive defeat of the planning application by the Strategic Planning Board. Only our Party have been working closely and consistently with the campaign since 2019. I was one of the six speakers opposing the application at the Board

·         I continue to write frequent letters to the Knutsford Guardian, and, overall, get c. 40% published.

Many people I meet are in despair about the state of the Country, and of our politics. I am here to win, and, with your help, to make a difference:


“My mission is to bring

competency, compassion, integrity and service back into politics,

 for Tatton and the Country”

We are fighting our campaign on:

·         Authenticity, honesty and transparency

·         Public service values

·         No second jobs and no freebies

·         The principles of liberal democracy

·         Liberal Democrat national policies

·         Our record of campaigning since 2019

·         My senior experience in the NHS and local government.

Our national Party is producing a series of “pre-Manifesto” statements about all the key policy issues, and these are proving extremely useful. We are publicising different issues on each of our Residents’ Letters.

Can we win? Is there any point in trying?

Absolutely: “YES” to both! If ever there was a time to finally oust the Tories from Tatton, 2024 is it!

We are in a good position:

·         Esther McVey is not popular, either locally or at a national level

·         The Government has proved, time and again, that it is simply not fit to govern

·         Labour has not yet identified their candidate

·         The last time people voted in those wards now within the ‘new’ Tatton, we came second

·         No other ‘opposition’ candidate has worked actively across the Constituency since 2019

·         We are getting very good responses to our leaflets, and our Residents’ Letters.

I think we will do well, but we definitely have an amazing chance to do something spectacular, and win Tatton for the Liberal Democrats, for the first time ever.

If you have hesitated before about getting involved, I urge you to consider doing something to help, now. We need:

·         Members, who would do leaflet delivering, even if only in a small area

·         Input of ideas and local ‘intelligence’ to myself and the Campaign Team

·         Spreading of news about the Liberal Democrat Tatton campaign amongst friends and neighbours

·         People to do research (e.g. Esther’s voting and media track record)

·         and, of course…………..funds.

Please donate, if you can. Any amount will make a big difference. To give you an idea, it currently costs c. £75 to have 1,000 Residents’ Letters printed, but just a few £s to put advertising onto our Facebook page.

Donations can be paid directly into the following account:

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  07984665111